1 – This compilation of notes

This compilation of notes is a pretext to remember moments I would forget. They are episodes from my childhood to present time, that I show today as an extended carte de visite. 

Perhaps a hypothetic unifying thread could occasionally be found, like pieces of a rope that are visible between the elements that it sew.

A kind of autobiography filled with anecdotes, with inclusion of preferences, identifications and personal opinions, this synopsis resume who I was and who I am.

There are no conclusions to be extracted. For a better reception, I suggest to the reader to think that he or she is following a course in the open sea, and that what these pages describe is a ship and the signals that appear by its sides, like waves free to change their movement on the surface. In the depths, the water is still. Neither this teller knows about such abysses.

About “Cartographies of an in-land sailor”

This ship has been sailing for more than three decades and today, (April 2020), it’s the first time that this solitaire and absentminded sailor decided to make records, some retrospective and some recent ones.

Chaotic, absurd tales from here, there, nowhere… And also brief descriptions of his imaginary sailings.

Just think of the logbook written by the captain of the Flying Dutchman: ghostly notes, vanishing details, words and pictures to be read and seen by wandering spirits, or perhaps by… you?

Welcome aboard!

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