Notes at the harbor: the apparent stillness

Seen from an outward perspective, rest seems to show a passive being. The stillness of the body masks what happens inside me. There revolves a cluster of ideas that must be refined, but without discarding anything. I have several notebooks where I record the seeds of each project. Occasionally, some sketches accompany the single sentences.

The next step is to complete a spreadsheet on the computer, where all the projects are stored, as a navigation schedule with objectives and tasks to be fulfilled when the time comes.

Some routes are started immediately sponsored by favorable winds. Others remain in the cellars waiting for me to stock up on the materials to make them concrete. And surely that means to visit new harbours…

About “Cartographies of an in-land sailor”

This ship has been sailing for more than three decades and today, (April 2020), it’s the first time that this solitaire and absentminded sailor decided to make records, some retrospective and some recent ones.

Chaotic, absurd tales from here, there, nowhere… And also brief descriptions of his imaginary sailings.

Just think of the logbook written by the captain of the Flying Dutchman: ghostly notes, vanishing details, words and pictures to be read and seen by wandering spirits, or perhaps by… you?

Welcome aboard!

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